Ensure Your Home's Safety! Join us for a Earthquake Retrofitting Webinar with Leif Jackson! In today's remote era, the safety of our homes is crucial. If your house was built before the 1970s, earthquake retrofitting is a must. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or planning to hire a pro, Leif Jackson will guide you through the essentials:
* Permit & Engineering Considerations
* Anchor Bolts
* Cripple Wall Bracing
* Framing Connections
* Hold Downs
* Rough Cost & Timeframe
* Motivational Slides
We are happy to report that we are once again working in our clients' homes, performing seismic retrofitting services. Of course, it is not "business as usual". We have implemented procedures to follow all requirements and keep our clients and workers safe. All personnel and staff of the Sound Seismic team are all following current Covid 19 procedure. Please be assured that all members of the crew are fully vaccinated and boosted.
We are performing office work remotely, and we are accepting new inquiries. Please fill out our web form, and we will begin the process of researching your home and providing as much information as we can. We can often provide a fairly accurate budget based on a phone call and some photos. We will then schedule an in-home assessment so that we can commit to a fixed price for your specific scope of work.
After an informative phone call and very rough ballpark budget, you may invite us out to assess your home in person. During this hour long meeting, we will determine your home's vulnerabilities, and explain what work we will do to reinforce those weaknesses. After we take notes and measurements, we will prepare and present a fixed price proposal to retrofit your home. Our bid always includes a building permit and any required engineering, plus finish removal and replacement if needed.
You'll hear from our team as your schedule date approaches. We'll do a walk-through to make sure you are ready for us. Then our trained crew will show up, put down dust protection, and remove finishes as needed. Once the walls and foundation are exposed, we retrofit your home. This is a noisy process, where we install anchor bolts, hold downs, framing, insulation, plywood shear panels, connecting hardware, and other elements. We'll handle all the building inspections so your permit is "finaled" by the building department.
We always do a thorough cleanup and answer any final questions you have. We'll replace any siding or sheetrock we removed, and you'll get a final invoice. Finally, we leave you with the plans and permit, as well as a certificate of completion (or your insurance company's form). Any issues? Let us know and we'll make things right. Everything good? Please leave us a Google Review!
Sound Seismic - Seattle's best trained and most trusted seismic retrofit contractor since 1999. . We are the most knowledgable dedicated retrofitting contractor in Seattle when it comes to seismic engineering, permit guidelines, and earthquake insurance requirements.
Help your home survive the next earthquake - which might be MUCH more destructive than Nisqually. Nisqually was a magnitude 6.8 deep slab earthquake. Deep slab earthquakes are the most frequent type of event in Western Washington, but we are overdue for much more violent events on the Cascadia subduction zone (like the 2011 mega quake in Japan) and on the Seattle fault zone (similar to the destructive quakes in Christchurch, New Zealand and in Haiti).
Seismic retrofitting, also called earthquake retrofitting (or earthquake proofing), is technical work. Seismic retrofitting is more than just "foundation bolting". Earthquake retrofitting involves securing your home using foundation anchors (or foundation bolts), shear walls, "hold-downs", and framing connectors or shear transfer ties; each element installed to specific engineered standards.
Done correctly, a seismic retrofit will create a more earthquake resistant home. However, an improperly or incompletely retrofitted home might actually suffer more damage during an earthquake. Would you trust your joint replacement to a GP rather than an orthopedic surgeon? Why would you trust your home to anybody but a retrofit specialist?
Not all retrofit contractors are the same. Some have slick websites and claim to have lots and lots of experience. We advise that you log onto the WA L&I website HERE to check the license and history of any contractor you are considering working with. You might be surprised with what you find. One company's name suggests that they are retrofit specialists, but their license reveals that they are actually a painting contractor that also does some retrofits. Check out other companies and you will find that they have only been retrofitting since 2016.
Whether you want to qualify for earthquake insurance, protect your investment, or keep your family secure, retrofitting is the answer. Our service area covers all older homes (with foundations) in the greater Seattle area.
For a professional evaluation of your home and a retrofit estimate, please call us at (206) 352-5644 or fill out our contact form.
Sound Seismic
2400 NW 80th ST #106 Seattle, WA 98117
Contractor's license # SOUNDSL836ND